AM-Berg Verlag
Gardasee Südwest - Valvestino See MTB Touren

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ITA - Italy
Susi Plott, Günter Durner
AM-Berg Verlag
AM-Berg Verlag


<p>The tour guide "Lake Garda Southwest - Lake Valvestino" contains 41 routes with detailed descriptions, photos, map sections, altitude profiles and GPS data. <br></p><p>The imposing and extensive mountain world of the "Parco dell'Alto Garda Bresciano" nature park offers an impressive variety of landscapes and great tour alternatives for mountain bikers to the better-known trails in the north of the lake. South of Salò, the landscape is lovely with numerous hills made from the Ice Age and immediately northwest of Toscolano-Maderno rises the highest point on the western shore of the lake, the striking Monte Pizzocolo at 1581 meters. In the hinterland north of the Valvestino reservoir are the largely undeveloped Garda mountains with the highest elevation, the 1975-metre-high Monte Cablone. The unspoilt hinterland of Lake Garda with its diverse landscape is ideal for mountain biking. This tour guide describes the most beautiful mountain bike routes between Tignale, Capovalle, Toscolano-Maderno, Salò, Manerba, Padenghe and around Lago di Valvestino!</p><ul><li>41 mountain bike tours in the difficulty levels easy, medium, difficult</li><li>19 downhill shuttle tours in the difficulty levels easy, medium, difficult</li><li>User-friendly, compact and sturdy ring binder in a modern design</li><li>All routes on foldable tour maps to take with you on tour</li><li>CD with GPS tracks and KML files for viewing in Google Earth</li><li>Bike &amp; Hike tips<br></li></ul><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">all routes with:</span><br></p><ul><li>color map with marked route, landmarks and drinking water fountains</li><li>exactly worked out route description</li><li>exact kilometer and altitude information</li><li>detailed altitude profile with percentages</li><li>plenty of landscape photos and additional area information<br></li></ul><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Susi Plott, Günter Durner | AM-Berg Verlag | May 2015 edition | 192 pages | <br>trail maps, numerous color photos and elevation profiles | CD with GPS tracks | ring binder (semi-covered) in landscape format 18 x 22 cm</span><br><br><br><br></p><p><br></p>
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